You Are the Creator and the Created

If you don't believe, at least a little bit, in the Law of Attraction, you can quit reading this. If you do believe in it but you don't get good results, read, be careful and believe because it is one of the things most people do not understand. If you believe that the Law of Attraction works but "you also have to act" then this is for you. You are misunderstanding something. You are missing a part of the puzzle.

When You Are Dreaming, Who Are You?

Are you the body from your dream? In a way, yes. But is that the essence of you? Of course it isn't. It's a very small part of you, a reflection, a projection. It is the thing you use to interact with the other things from your dream. Stop and think about it. How important is that body of You that You are dreaming? You need it, You use it, You enjoy using it and interacting with your environment but it will never be more important than You, the Dreamer, the Master of your own dream. You are the Creator of that entire world, INCLUDING that body.

In Reality, Who Are You?

Well, you have a name, a home, a personality, an appearance but is that really you? Of course it is... for the time being at least because you can change and you continually wish to change. But who is in control here, who is the Master? Of course it isn't that person. Nope, I'm actually lying. It is that person. That's who is in control, that's who you are letting be the master. THAT IS THE PROBLEM! In my previous post, I wrote about the Conscious Mind, Subconscious Mind - Employer and Employee. This post is similar but from a metaphysical point of view. You see, your body, your personality, all that you think you are, has been manifested by the spiritual you. You are spirit, soul, energy, whatever you want to call it and you have a body. Whenever you intend something, whenever you are using the Law of Attraction to manifest something (you're always doing that, by the way, just like you always use gravity to stay on the ground), it manifests THROUGH you, WITH you. It's not that body of yours getting the thing you want. It may seem to be so but all that is an EFFECT of your manifestation. You are changing your whole world, everything that needs to happen, happens and your body will manifest exactly what the bigger part of you has decided. It's not like you have to help or make anything happen because you can't! You, your body, is part of the manifested, it is a tool for the bigger self to use for observing, having life experience, acting, feeling and so on. Confusion between the role that each part of you plays in creating your life is what brings difficulties, problems, stress and failure.

How Things Work

Let's say that the bigger part of you is YOU (capital letters) and the smaller part is you. Most people, perceive that they are that smaller part. Most people are working with that part when they want to achieve something and they get no results or insignificant results. What I mean by insignificant results is not that they don't achieve much. It's that they don't even get close to what they really desire. That's how that small part of you works. It can't get far from where it is and it can't see too far ahead either. It is what it is. Its purpose is to be as constant as possible, that's why one of the basic properties of a living body is homeostasis. It's also one of the basic obstacles when trying to become more. It's the reason why "the comfort zone" is such a problem and is so hard to overcome.

Frustration, failure and generally feeling bad is when you let that small part of you be the boss. It is an employee, it is part of the manifested, it is the tool that the Creator uses to create. And that creator is YOU!

YOU intend, YOU become and then "you" is doing the work that it has to do, whatever that might be. You won't be able to do anything different once that bigger part of you has decided. It won't be a problem either. Whatever has to happen will happen and whatever you have to do, you will do without having to make yourself do it. You will just feel like doing what has to be done, you won't need to force yourself to do it and you will feel like it's hard to NOT do what you feel like doing.

The Reward of YOU Being the Boss

When you understand who's the boss, who is the creator and who is the created, you will come to have calm and faith that you never had before. You will know that your life is always what YOU make it. You will know that what has to happen, happens if the little you understands that he's the Created, not the Creator. You will know that you always get what YOU are! You won't worry anymore about how it could happen or what could happen. Your only "worry" will be: who do I want to become and what do I want to become? The rest happens...

If anyone wonders what this has to do with the subconscious, the answer is simple: the little you is mostly subconscious. You have to become consciously aware, to understand what has been said here and to apply it. Whenever you are on Autopilot, you will be the victim of your own self and who you are up to that point. That is good for what you already like about you but it won't change what you don't like about yourself.

One Last Thing to Keep in Mind

The boss has to give orders but he has to leave the employees do their job. If you keep bugging them, they won't work efficiently. So, the bigger part of you, the Creator of your life has to intend, FEEL and then let things happen. But... I'm already getting into another story here.

Get rid of the old thinking that you (the created) have to do something to get something. That "you" does everything it is ordered to do, you don't have to worry about that. Just "worry" about the orders you give. What are the orders? See how you feel. Those are the orders, your feelings.

Happy manifesting! :)