Regret Is Psychological Cancer

If you could go back and change one thing in your life what would it be? inspired me to write this. My answer to that question is 'nothing'. I would not change a thing. I regret nothing. At some points in my life I was a convinced pessimist, filled with regret. At other points in my life, I was an optimist, but I still had regrets. Now there is nothing I regret.

Regrets consume you like cancer. They eat you from the inside. You may be aware of it or not. Regrets have no use, they do nothing good... NOTHING! If you get skin cancer, what do you do? You remove it. So why not do the same with regrets?

Some of my thoughts at this moment...

I am grateful for the few visitors I had these days. I am grateful for the interest that some of you have for this site. Thank you!

How to Change a Belief - Part Two

50 + x = 52

How do you find the value of x? In the same way, you change a belief. Based on other beliefs you have (50 will be 50... 52 will be 52), you find evidence for the new belief you wish to install in your subconscious. The reason why this is efficient is that you find a way to build it based on other truths you already believe. You don't fight against them, so your subconscious will accept it with less resistance. Let's take an example:

How to Change a Belief - Part One

Beliefs are entirely subjective and NOT objective. You can feel that what you believe is actually truth and reality but it's not. It is just a part of the truth and a side of reality. Here's a simple example: you either believe that making money is easy or you believe that it is hard. What you believe is real for you. But you would have to be a very close-minded person to stubbornly contradict me when I say to you: "Making money can be easy and it can also be hard. Your belief is just what you chose to believe, not an absolute truth". A thing can happen in more than a thousand ways. A thing can change in more than a thousand ways. A thing can be perceived in more than a thousand ways.