Looking IN the Mirror

You like the mirror, don't you? You have been looking in the mirror for so long that you forgot that what you see is just a reflection of a real thing but not a real thing.

There are 2 worlds: the inner world and the outer world. Let's make an analogy. Let's say you go look in the mirror and do your hair. Let's say that in this situation your physical body represents the inner world and the mirror represents the outer world. You see yourself IN the mirror, but you know that what's inside that mirror is not real, it's just a reflection. There isn't even an inside to that mirror but it sure seems like it, it has 3 dimensions, depth even though the surface is plane. If you see that your hair doesn't look so good, you change your hair, you change the inner world. OK, let's get back to life now.

If you see that you're not doing well financially in the outer world (in the mirror) what do you do? You try to change something in the mirror. You get frustrated because it's impossible. Nothing seems to work. Of course it doesn't. The mirror keeps reflecting back what you ARE inside. It reflects the inner world and that's what the outer world will ALWAYS do, nothing else. Make no change inside and there will be no change outside.

When we were little, most of us cared a lot about the way we felt and most of us worked a lot with that inner reality. Then we accepted lies that say that you have to change the image in the mirror. Most of the people that told us those lies weren't having such a great life anyway so keep that in mind from now on. Accept advice only from people that you resonate with and that have something in their life that you want.

So we started looking in the mirror almost all the time. We don't even realize anymore that we're standing in front of that mirror, we don't realize that we're watching our reflection. Once you will realize that, the reflection will start to help you, even the negative things. The mirror has purpose. It shows us what's good and what's bad, in a physical way. Next time you see something you don't like, don't change the reflection itself because you can't, just change WHAT'S BEING REFLECTED.

After you understand the concept of the reflected (inner world) and reflection (outer world), you will enjoy looking at the reflection and changing the reflected. It will be like making yourself pretty in front of the mirror. So change the inner world and relax and enjoy your new reflection. All the work you have to do is inside. And that's where all your power is because your inner world is YOURS and ONLY YOURS, TOTALLY!


  1. SlicK, I want to show my appreciation to you and this site. I also knew you through your posts on Steve Pavlina's forum and they helped me, thus I come to this site to learn more from you :). Hope more posts to come. I've already read all the posts in this site, they've helped me especially the post "Looking in the mirror". I've decided to re-get in touch with myself (inside), but I don't have a clear idea on how to do it. I want many changes (ie self-confidence and self-love) now but how can I change from inside? Can you show me?

    Thank you :)

  2. Thanks for the appreciation! Well, there's something to this changing inside that you just can't put your finger on. And that's where the whole "secret" is. To make you understand better, here's a question: How do you think? You just do it, right? There aren't any preparatory steps before that. If you want to think, you JUST DO IT. It's similar when changing inside and when you purposely feel something. Probably because we're untrained, we need props. But it's pretty stupid. It's like we would need to see an apple in front of us to be able to think about an apple. Either way, whatever works is well used if nothing else works.

    You can start with self-love and exercise for at least 3 weeks. I think that it should be easier to tune into that feeling and then you will be able to apply what you've learned to self-confidence. They're connected anyway.

    So how do you practice the feeling of self love? You use whatever prop you can to get that feeling of self-love. When you will find it, you'll know it. When you do find it, feel it as much as you can. Focus on it, feel the pleasure of it, let it flow through your whole body. And if you want it to fade away fast, start using logic to analyze how you got there :D. So don't do that.

    I could start enumerating different props you could use to tune into different feelings but I honestly think that it doesn't help. My own props don't even help me when I'm in a low state of consciousness. Get calm, relax your muscles, relax your mind and listen. You'll know what to do.

    Tuning into feelings is really like manually finding a radio station. It really really is like that. And repetition will make the feeling grow stronger and stronger until it needs no conscious attention anymore.

  3. SlicK, thank you for your quick response :).

    These days I am kind of fed up with the idea that external circumstances/ possessions... can make me truly happy. I'm also tired of comparing myself to others, which always make me end up feeling really bad, jealous, selfish, unappreciative. Last year during my freshman at college, I saw some cool part-time job offers and thought I'd feel really happy if I got them. Then I got them and not felt happy after all and I quited (this is just one case). I also fought frequently with my brother. Many other things. Felt like nothing was right. When I did something, I felt empty/ unhappy... the list went on and on. Hmmm so this summer break, I've spent time looking back and "As within so without" just hit me in my back. I felt so insecure about myself, and the world just reflected it...

    Yeah, maybe I wont make a mess about the right technique anymore. Just do it and I'll know when it's right hah? :P More meditation too :) I've got some others intentions to manifest but self-love and confidence first, others wait.

    I appreciate how approachable you are. I'll return to you when I need help. Thank you :)

  4. ACCEPT what is OUTSIDE.
    CREATE what isn't INSIDE.

    Sums it up pretty nicely :)

  5. Have to add: there's nothing to FIGHT against inside. Why? Hate is lack of love, poverty is lack of abundance, fear is lack of courage and so on. It's like darkness. It doesn't exist by itself. It's just lack of light. So there is nothing to "replace" or fight against. You just CREATE what isn't.

    Have fun!

  6. but how does this creting actually work? lets say your prop to create on the inside is trying to feel this sensation that your goal is already achieved. But isnt that contradictory to accepting the outside truth, which is, that your goal isnt achieved yet? You said that you cant lie to you subconsciousness. But wouldnt trying to feel "as if" be an attempt to lie to your sc?

  7. No. I accept the outside as what has been already created. What is BEING created is inside and that can change. The outside will just reflect my inside, it's not my job to change the outside and I can't, directly.

    It's not an attempt to lie to your subconscious because what you feel is Truth to it. What you TRY to feel is a lie. But once you really feel it, it is truth. If you feel depressed, that's your truth in that moment. Does the outside world matter when you're depressed? If you're depressed, does it matter that you have money, cars, girls, friends? In that moment, nothing matters to you, because you FEEL depressed. That's your INNER REALITY, independent of what is outside. And that will create circumstances in your outside world and you will say "Ya, everything goes to hell, see? That's why I am depressed!".

    I understand your dilemma but you have to break past those illusions.

    It's really simple though... What you feel doesn't really depend on what's outside. It's just an excuse most of the time. I had money and felt poor. I was poor and felt rich. It never really mattered how much money I had in my pockets. The feeling of abundance was independent of what was outside. BUT when I had money and felt poor, I lost it all. When I didn't have money and felt rich, I made money. You have to realize that the typical model Outside influences Inside is totally wrong. The reverse is true. That's why you have your dilemma. You still believe in that model in some degree and you can't let go.

  8. Thanks for your reply, its been very helpful.
    I guess that maybe I didnt go past the point of "trying to feel" into really feeling it and where I have to just keep on focusing on the stuff that I want and already have.
    Its funny, I thought I actually understood the principle of my emotions being independent from my outside world. I now see that maybe this point wasnt 100% clear to me after all.

  9. It's a bit of a job to change something fixed in the mind. The brain fights with a new idea just like the body fights with a virus.
