The Purpose of the Subconscious

There must be a reason or a purpose why we have two sides of the mind: conscious and subconscious. So... what is the purpose of our subconscious? To understand that let's take a look at our conscious mind.

The Conscious Mind

The conscious mind is also called the objective mind. The conscious mind is that part of mind with which we think the thoughts that we hear. It is that part of mind which talks to you most of the day, that part of mind with which you say in your head: 'Wow, this is a good article!' or 'I'm losing my time with this... I don't believe a word he says!' and also that part of mind which reasons. It is the part of mind on which we have TOTAL CONTROL at each moment. We can consciously think anything we want to think at any time. It is one of the greatest powers we have! If you want to, you can think about a car now, about the sky, about the sun or about the sea. If you want, you can think about something you love or about something you hate.

Really Now... Can We ALWAYS Think Whatever We Want/Choose?

Totally YES!!! You may hold the false belief that sometimes it's not so easy or it is impossible even. Let's say that when you're depressed, it's impossible to think about anything good. Well, let me ask you a simple question and REALLY THINK ABOUT it and REALLY ANSWER: When can't you think about the sun or the moon? Is there a time when it is impossible for you to think about the sun or the moon? Is there a time when it is impossible to imagine the sun or the moon?

I hope that by now you totally agree with me that we can think about anything at any time with our conscious mind. And that is the secret to control the way you feel at any time but that is another subject and I will write about it in another article.

The Subconscious Mind

The conscious mind's purpose is to make choices. That's why it has the super-power to choose, super-power which sadly, few acknowledge.

The subconscious has many super-powers also but let's talk about it's purpose first. To make it very clear to you, I am gonna ask you something about the conscious mind. Is the conscious mind stable and linear? Is it something that stays the same in the course of one day at least? No! The conscious mind is thinking about a lot of things and making a lot of choices and it can think about anything at any time. You can think this moment that you will eat something and in the next 5 minutes you make another choice and in the next 10 seconds you come back to the previous choice. It's actually chaotic sometimes. Imagine you would have to constantly think about breathing or about your heart beating. Imagine you would have to do that consciously, all the time. It would drive you insane! It's not the conscious mind's purpose to do that. But someone still does it. Yes, it is the subconscious.

The subconscious's purpose is stability. It likes to keep things balanced and stable. For example, it is responsible for keeping your body temperature stable. If it's too hot outside and your body starts to warm up, it commands your biological systems to cool down your body. If it gets cold, it commands the body to warm up.

Without a subconscious you would have no personality, no body, your heart wouldn't beat. If it would somehow be possible to have a body without having a subconscious mind, then you would have no order in your life, you would be some person now and another person in the next moment, you would have no balance in your life, it would all be total chaos.

The Subconscious Makes You Who You Are and KEEPS You Being Who You Are.

That's why change is a process that takes some time. That's why it seems to be hard but it really isn't. It is simply a process. Once you really understand this, you start to have patience, you start to be less frustrated about the changes you want to make and you become more disciplined.

In the end of this article I just want to summarize the roles of the subconscious: keeps thing stable, maintains balance, keeps you being who you are, maintains your habits, maintains bodily functions, holds your belifes (which you may be aware of or not), is responsible for the thing called autopilot... and it also does something that is hard to believe or understand for most of people, it creates your reality! If you logically think about it you'll see that it's not so out there. It is responsible for most of your actions, and it is obvious that actions sum up and create your life.

Sit for a while and think about the things that your subconscious is responsible for and realize the obvious truth: all that it is responsible for, it has total control of and it can be changed if you reprogram your subconscious. But how do you program your subconscious mind?

1 comment:

  1. Please, pretty please, answer the question that comprises the last sentence of this article: But how do you program your subconscious mind?
