How to Change a Belief - Part Two

50 + x = 52

How do you find the value of x? In the same way, you change a belief. Based on other beliefs you have (50 will be 50... 52 will be 52), you find evidence for the new belief you wish to install in your subconscious. The reason why this is efficient is that you find a way to build it based on other truths you already believe. You don't fight against them, so your subconscious will accept it with less resistance. Let's take an example:

You believe that it's hard or even impossible for you to earn $10.000 / month. You have tried and failed, you just can't. Other people that do it are better or smarter. There's that feeling of impossibility that this belief gives you.

The New Belief

The new belief you would want to install in this case is: it's possible for me to earn $10.000 / month and I can do it. Other people that already do it, are capable because they believe they can.

This belief will give you a feeling of possibility and power and freedom when it will be installed in your subconscious.

Doubt the Belief You Want to Change

There is a direct way of changing a belief but I understand it on an abstract level so I can't explain it. I wonder if it can be explained anyway. It's just an internal shift, a decision to simply believe a new thing and after you make that shift, you'll start to see different things and in a short while, you'll change your belief.

Another way you can do it, starts with a simple thing that you probably often do: doubt. When you try something new, you doubt you can do it and most often you fail. Doubt is resistance to a new idea. But you can use doubt in a constructive way: start to doubt the belief you want to change. Start to doubt that you can't earn more money. You're good at doubting. Everybody is. So doubt it!

After you start to doubt something, interesting things will happen. You'll start to get some new thoughts that are in opposition with your current belief. You'll start to think "But what if I can? But I'm good at what I do. I can be even better. Some people that do what I do earn a lot more. I am also smart. I am capable". Then, probably, you'll start to doubt that also which is a problem but not an unnatural one. Do not focus on that doubt, just let it slide. Focus on doubting your initial belief.

Stick to One Belief at a Time

A common problem that you can have when trying to change a belief is that you'll find another limiting belief. Maybe there is some hobby you have or you're just good at something and you see that other people make money from that. So you may start to think that you can also do that. But then you can come to a limiting belief like "I do not know how to sell stuff" or "I do not know how to market myself". It may seem natural to work on changing that belief too but if you do that, you'll never finish this process. Limiting beliefs will keep coming up and you'll never find the end of it all. So just stick to one major belief you want to change because after you succeed in doing that, the other ones will naturally change. They're all connected and the one that is on top will change all the others that are down the ladder. Once you believe you are capable of generating a lot more money, you'll find ways to create stuff, market stuff, sell stuff... they will all come.

Find Evidence for Your New Belief

Whenever you doubt something, you find evidence to support it. If you do not believe in ghosts, you'll find evidence like: if ghosts were real, then why didn't you see one, the dead are dead and don't come back, a soul has to go to heaven or hell and so on. If you believe in ghosts, you'll find evidence like: weird experiences you had, dreams about dead people, TV shows about ghosts, people that had experiences and you believe what they say and so on. You can't really know what is the reality but you have your own personal evidence for whatever you believe. That is how the mind works. It needs some logical reasons to support a belief or it finds some reasons. So to support your new belief, you just find some evidence. Again, you may have some doubts but just let it go. Keep finding evidence in the world around you, in books, in articles you read, in the lives of other people, in your own thinking, anywhere you can find it. Keep looking for things that support your belief. It's impossible to not find evidence. Actually it is EASY. That is the reason why people that contradict each other have endless conversations. Each one of them has evidence for his theory. They find evidence to support their theories, endlessly. They could talk for 6 hours straight. I think that everybody did this at least once. So, in the same way you find evidence for your theory when you argue with someone, find it for your new belief. There's really nothing more to it.

Keep doing this until your new belief sticks to your subconscious. That is all.


  1. I found your site thru your posts in the steve pavlina forum and I have to say your posts are great and this site is great too. Very valuable info. I like how you talked about the SR mindset (in the forum) because this is the exact same way I see it :)
    Im glad youre part of my reality.

  2. Thanks for the appreciation. If the information I share helps you, I am really happy for that :)
