Some of my thoughts at this moment...

I am grateful for the few visitors I had these days. I am grateful for the interest that some of you have for this site. Thank you!

I am not very satisfied with the site up until now, because I know I can do way, way, way better. I will constantly improve until I get to that level. I want to have a strong positive impact on people that need the information I provide. I want to make them go "Ahaaaaaaaaa! YES! That's it! I understand now!!!! It finally clicks!". I love when I have those moments in my life. Those moments change your whole future from that point on. You become better. I will strive to be efficient at explaining important things, in a simple way. My intention is to write about things that are at the top of the list regarding "cause-effect". I want to make people understand where it all starts from and how to start things they desire, not things they do not desire. I want to help people in such ways, that their lives become so good, that they don't need heaven anymore :). I want to share absolutely everything I know and live, IF I can express it in words in a way that will help.

I am an egoist person -- I don't give you a piece of my chocolate if you don't ask, I don't share my food with you if I'm hungry and I don't feel good about loaning you something -- but whenever I am able to help someone improve their life in a great way, I feel extremely happy for that. It gives me great motivation. I am stubborn... stubborn as hell to find a way, a better way ... something ... anything that will have a greater success rate at helping people compared to the average personal development site. I do not believe that so few are capable of improving and achieving great success. I believe that more ... many more ... can do that. I want to explain the most important things in the most simple way I can. I will not be on target all the time, probably, but I'll shoot many times and get close and maybe sometimes I will hit the target right on spot.

I do not know how to really explain ... what I dream about with this site. But you'll see ....

Thank you! :)